New year resolution??

Omg I just realised that I completely forgot to log my new year resolution down?? I think the last time I came on here to write it and got distracted by my own posts šŸ„ø

I guess, weā€™ll just have to wait and see if they will ever appear on this blog šŸ˜‚

Love again,


My tongue is aging

Omg I think my tastebuds just level-uped.

I remember when I was younger I hated vegetables with a passion, especially tomatoes – you know cause theyā€™re all slimy and look like they have little tadpoles inside. Then one fine day, I had a slice of tomato. In a burger ofcourse, the one and only way it was going to enter my body. Took a bite and hey, that wasnā€™t so bad? Plus my dad kept hyping up tomatoes and how it was good for the skin and I was in my teens with the most bumpy uneven skin. Now I literally snack on cherry tomatoes and even grew my very own little tomato plant. Wow that character development. I had officially turned from a tom-hater to a tom-lova.

As I was growing older I started realising that my tastebuds were evolving. Started loving vegetables and soybean curd and even sushi. GOD I gave sushi SOOO many chances. I just never gave up and miraculously I started loving them. Sashimi was another thing as well. Ohhhhh also beer šŸ˜ I used to hate how beer tasted. Then one fine day, I started craving for that same weird taste (this was generally how I realised my tastebuds were taking over).

I think the saddest level-up for me was my sugar intake. I used to love things super super sweet and now itā€™s all mellowed down and Iā€™m somehow having adult tastebuds that prefer desserts tasting ā€˜tartā€™ and ā€˜refreshingā€™. Honestly Iā€™m such a sucker for a passion fruit tart šŸ˜« or anything passion fruit flavoured. My last birthday cake, I literally customised it a bakery to be passion fruit flavoured and omg the only reason why I didnā€™t eat the whole cake by myself was because itā€™s not a societal norm.

Anyway my point is, my tastebuds did another level up recently??? Ok so hereā€™s the thing, I love carbonated soft drinks. I love exploring different flavours and brands as well. I mean, I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever been to a corner shop and not picked up at least one new soda. Okay so my personal favourites excluding coke are Ben Shaws Cream Soda – literally tasted like carbonated vanilla icecream and Old Jamaica Cream Soda. FYI if youā€™re in the Pepsi camp, I think your tastebuds are still at level 1. Unless youā€™re talking about pepsi twist, I can close one eye for that.

ANYWAY, I digress. Recently, I realised Iā€™m not able to drink soda like I used to?? I find them awfully sweet. Although hey I totally blame the artificial sweeteners. Stevia sucralose saccharin and the other demonic entities. I think thatā€™s one of the reasons why my go to drink now is coke. It just really does the job you know. You can literally feel the burning goodness travelling down your throat. Ugh, gotta love that burn šŸ”„. But very lately, my tastebuds are telling me to quit soda completely and just drink sparkling flavoured water???? I had passion fruit peach flavoured sparkling water the other day and honestly I absolutely loved it?? And today I got myself a peach flavoured sparkling water in place of soda????

The worst part isā€¦ Iā€™m now craving for sparkling water?? Like regular unflavoured sparkling water? Like the static water?? Iā€™m actually craving for that??

Itā€™s official, my tastebuds have level-ed up. I guess they do an extra jump hitting another decade in your life šŸ˜«

God this was such a random post . I swear Iā€™m not high or drunk or anything.

